MEA 2024 Proceedings Guidelines
Dear colleagues,
We are looking forward to seeing you in Reno, NV. Authors of accepted competitive or position or student papers may choose to publish an abstract or a full manuscript in the conference proceedings. Authors of accepted special sessions may publish an abstract. Here are the proceedings guidelines for manuscripts and abstracts.
For Abstracts:
By Author Information including: First, Name, Last Name, Title
University Affiliation
Coauthors list the same details
Use Times New Roman, 12 Points Font, and double spaced. Bold the Title only. Provide your abstract with no more than 500 words. Please include the purpose of your study and your most important and valuable supporting literature. Describe your methodology including sampling and summarize your results. Include a statement regarding how your research is useful/relevant to the general marketing education population.
If you use headings in your abstract, these are preferred:
Purpose of the Study:
Method/Design and Sample:
Value to Marketing Education:
For Manuscripts:
By Author Information including: First, Name, Last Name, Title
University Affiliation
Coauthors list the same details
Use Times New Roman, 12 Points Font. Papers should not exceed 12 double-spaced, typed pages, not including tables, figures, exhibits, and references. Journal of Marketing Education format should be followed (
Article files should be provided in Microsoft Word format. Please make suggested modifications and submit your manuscript or abstract by March 17, 2024, by logging into the Marketing Educators' Association portal at the following link:
MEA 2024 Executive Board