Board Members
2024 - 2025 Executive Board
Board Chair
Susan Cadwallader
Editor, Journal of Marketing Education
Victoria Crittenden

MEA Denver
Join a warm and welcoming group of colleagues who work together to continuously improve the pedagogy in the field of marketing.
Deborah D. Heisley, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing
David Nazarian College of Business and Economics
California State University, Northridge
Past Presidents
Ex Officio
We thank you for your support and leadership.
Vicki Eveland, Mercer University (
Tony Stovall, Indiana University (
Julie Nelsen, St. Catherine University (
Sarah Fischbach, Pepperdine University (
Jennifer Zarzosa, Henderson State University (
Glen Brodowsky, California State University, San Marcos (
Susan Cadwallader, California State University, Fullerton (
Clay Daughtrey, Metropolitan State University of Denver (
Barbara L. Gross, California State University, Northridge (
Gary Karns, Seattle Pacific University (
Current Board Members
Western Directors:
Kirti Celly, California State University Dominguez Hills (
Deborah Heisley, California State University Northridge (
Rika Houston, California State University Los Angeles (
Shikha Upadhyaya,
Northwestern Directors:
Robert Trumpy, Central Washington University (
Southwestern Directors:
Gopala Ganesh, University of North Texas (
Thuy Nguyen, University of North Texas (
Rocky Mountain Directors:
Sally Baalbaki, Metropolitan State University (
Kwabena Peprah, Metropolitan State University (
Katherine Howe,
Central Directors:
​Mary Thomas, St. Catherine University (
Southern Directors:
Adam Mills, Loyola University New Orleans (​
Eastern Directors:
Emi Moriuchi, Rochester Institute of Technology (
Vlad Pashkevich, St. Francis College (
Community College / High School Directors
International Directors:
Vilte Auruskeviciene, ISM University of Management and Economics (
Nathalie Chinje, University of Witwatersrand (
Samer El Hajjar, National University of Singapore (
Sabine Emad, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (
Wade Halvorson, University of Western Australia (
Karen Robson, Windsor's Odette School of Business, Canada (
At Large Directors:
Magali Dubosson, Univ. of Applied Sciences Western, Switzerland(
Janet Parish, Texas A&M University (
Mark Rosenbaum, Hawai'i Pacific University (
Kathleen Zumpfe, Doane University (
MEA is a conference where I have been able to connect and become friends with other faculty members who care about the practice and scholarship of marketing education. It is a great place to share pedagogical research which can later be submitted to pedagogical journals, and to pick up practical insights into curriculum, classroom management, effective teaching, and more. MEA is a friendly and collegial conference where people attend sessions ready to learn, and ideas are discussed in a supportive (and fun!) environment.
Barbara L. Gross, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Marketing
California State University, Northridge